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Classroom Placement Practice
The placement of students each year is a task that our staff takes very seriously. Teachers from the current grade level work as a team with support staff and the principal to place students into classrooms each spring for the following year. Because of the many variables - academic, social, emotional - and delicate balance of each class, we cannot guarantee a particular placement for any child. Please do not contact the school or individual teachers requesting a specific teacher. Class placements are a team effort and a time-consuming task.
In the event of an exceptional case of misplacement after school has started, we require a two-week waiting period before any parent request for a class placement change will be considered. Concerns should be shared with the current teacher as soon as possible and a request for a meeting to discuss issues and determine if improvements should be made. If there are still concerns after a meeting with a teacher that has not resulted in improvements, then parents/guardians should contact the principal to discuss another class placement.